Pontus Schuster Tengnäs

Pontus Schuster Tengnäs

Ok, here goes ☀️

I am a highly motivated developer always trying to deliver my best in any given situation. I enjoy teamwork, playing golf, listening to music and creating exciting digital solutions and I am always hungry to learn more about, and become better at, the craft of programming. If You read this resume and believe that we can have a rewarding collaboration I am gladly looking forward to hearing from You 😊

I have been working as a full-stack developer since I graduated from the Systems Science program at Gothenburg University, and have had the chance to try out different technologies and ways of working. I believe the world of software development is so exciting because there is always something new to learn and every colleague you meet has got something interesting to share. I want to work where there is an open and encouraging culture where new things can be tested and everyone feels welcome.

I like working as a full-stack developer because I want to see the whole picture and I want to think of the work I do as a complete solution that is handed over to the user of the product, but also because I am fascinated about technology in general and think that it is super exciting to do both front-end and back-end development. My strongest principles within software development that I follow in my daily work is: